Jennifer Chilstrom is excited to announce there will be Yoga at TORCH this summer. Theresa Hutch is a Yoga instructor and artist who will be conducting Yoga classes on Friday’s and Saturdays through the summer.
A long time art teacher in the Minneapolis public schools, Theresa embarked on a personal project to produce a painting every week for one year. “How many weeks is that? Ah! Fifty-two!” Almost 156 weeks later, Theresa continues to paint every week and uses her paintings to create cards for a weekly yoga-inspiration. She is grateful for the spiritual contribution and insights Reverend Jaganath Carrera adds to the text on every Yoga Sutra Card.
For every class that she teaches, she brings a copy of the week's card for her students to take with them. Theresa gives the cards as gifts, but they also serve to remind her students of their yoga practice while they are out in the world!
Theresa began her yoga practice as a college student in 1998, she had no idea how significant yoga would become in her life. With a B.A. in Design Communications and an art teaching certificate Theresa taught high school art for ten years. Through this experience, she learned the importance of meeting the needs of all students who walked into her classroom. In 2010, she enrolled in the 230 hour R.Y.T. study program at The Yoga Center of Minneapolis.
Upon completion, she began experiencing yoga in a completely new way, as a teacher. Theresa continues her studies through extensive reading, workshops, and her personal art practice.
- Classes starting May 2
- Fridays - Slow Flow Vinyasa 12:00 - 1:00pm
- Saturdays - All Levels Vinyasa 10:00 - 11:00am *
- * After Saturday classes you receive a 10% discount off your lunch at Namaste Cafe, two doors up from TORCH
$12/class drop-in or Purchase $60/six class pass
For more information about Theresa, her art and yoga go to THERESA HUTCH dot com.
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